Information for parents

Dear parents, welcome to SV Eidelstedt Hamburg!

We are happy that your child wants to take his first or next steps in team sports with us. We have set up this page to make it easier for parents to enter our club.

Our club is open to all children: for girls and boys, from preschool children up to the age of 18. We have a suitable training for each of them. And for all of us, teamwork, sporting fun and learning together are central. That is why our motto is: “Taking the next step together”.

At our facilities in Furtweg, Redingskamp and Steinwiesenweg, children from all cultures of the district, from different backgrounds and different interests come together to pursue their common hobby. Here you will find a protected space to learn with and from each other in a playful way.

Our coaches are qualified trainers who regularly participate in training sessions of the Hamburger Fußballverband, as part of the DFL project “Jugend-Trainer-Stärken” or also in SVE trainers’ workshops in order to acquire new skill sets. And more than half of them have children in the club themselves or have decided at some point to join as coaches or staff.

How can I arrange a trial training?
You can arrange a trial by clicking on the blue “request trial training” button at the top right. After the trial, the next steps will be discussed with the coach team.

Which team suits me?
In youth, football is organized in years. This means that all children of the same age play together. In each season we try to make at least 2 offers possible. The 1st team is aimed to players with a higher performance motivation. The second team understands itself as a substrate for the first team and as a place for players where the idea of performance is not first priority.

Where are the other differences between performance and popular sports teams?
Up to the U10 we usually practice twice a week. From this point on, the 1st team can offer a third training sesson in consultation with the coach team.

What can you expect from us as a football club?
We offer your child a regular training course with a minimum of 2 sessions per week. In addition, all teams participate in the game operations of the Hamburger Fußballverband. The better the collaboration in the team environment, the more can be offered. This also applies to other friendship games, tournaments and trips.

How can you best support us and thus the development of your child?
The club lives of team spirit, trust and reliability. In this context, our coaches do an honorary service in their free time. This means that, with a lot of passion, all those involved sacrifice a great deal of their own leisure time in order to create the best possible offer for all children. You can support in many small things: whether as a treasurer, supervisor, trainer or co-trainer. Every helping hand, every verbal support and every reliable feedback will have a very positive impact on the team environment and thus also on the development of your own child.

If you have any further questions, please contact us.
Your Youth Leadership
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